Sunday, July 12, 2009

Ripped Abs Quick? Quit The Situps!

Want Ripped Abs Quick? Stop Doing SitUps and Crunches!

Still doing sit ups to get ripped abs? People are wasting too much time doing hundreds of reps of useless crunches, situps, and other "ab pumping" exercises in their attempt at losing stomach fat and getting those hot ripped abs.

Did you know that there are much more effective exercises that stimulate your metabolism better, and increase your fat burning hormone levels leading to ripped-shreaded abs and lost weight?

It's true! Read these free articles and learn to get a flat stomach with a sexy six-pack.

Ripped Abs Can Come Quick with this Top Selling Abs Program 

Thousands of happy customers can't be wrong - check out the best-selling program for ripped abs.

Three Best Ab Exercises for Ripped Abs 

Not your traditional ab exercises

How To Get Ripped Abs

Instead of the typical ab routines that we see so often with crunches, situps, leg lifts, etc... I like to give my readers better options for metabolism-boosting high intensity workouts that work their entire body while also working their abs.

I'm going to show you an example today of one of my favorite "ab workouts" that doesn't include any direct "ab exercises" at all. It's in a tri-set format (similar to a super-set but alternating between 3 exercises).

...Read the rest of this article

Strategies for a Flat Stomach, Ripped Abs, and a Sexy Six-Pack 

Get Six Pack Abs with These Exercises

Once people are past the beginning phase of gaining some initial ab strength, I try to get them away from the exercises that are too easy, where someone can do 50 or 100 reps, as is frequently common with standard crunches. Instead, I like to focus on higher resistance exercises that actually stimulate the muscle fibers to a much greater degree. One example of a higher resistance abs exercise is hanging leg raises with a proper "pelvic curl up".

It's funny but usually someone that has been wasting so much time with hundreds of reps of crunches can usually only do a few solid reps when they first attempt some of these higher resistance ab exercises. We also make sure not to neglect some rotational movements, as well as some work for the deeper muscles like the transversus abdominis.

....Read the rest of this article

Fat Loss for Visible Abs -- Workouts, Nutrition, and Lifestyle for Success 

The Real Solution For Ripped Abs

Most people think there must be some magical "underground" abs exercise that is going to finally get them their six-pack after years of struggling.

The fact is, the real solution to seeing a visible six-pack is bringing your body fat % down to a low enough level to where the abs become visible. Most people already have them hiding under there and don't know it. This is generally about 10% body fat or lower for men, and about 16-18% for women from my experience.

... Read the rest of this article
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Saturday, July 11, 2009

Green Tea - Will It Help You Lose Weight?

Green Tea And Weight Loss - The Facts

Have you been seeking help in your attempts to lose weight? Is green tea for weight loss something you have wondered about? Green tea offers some different options when it comes to weight loss. It can improve anybody's health because it contains many helpful properties as well.

Read on and find out if green tea will help you lose weight.... or visit and get a weight loss plan that really works.

Fat Flushing Properties Of Green Tea

The main benefit of green tea leaves comes from the fact that they are not fermented before they are dried or steamed. This preserves the antioxidant, antiviral, and anti- cancer properties of green tea. Using green tea for weight loss is attributed to its fat flushing properties. Green tea has many health benefits besides weight loss and has a clean, fresh taste.

Studies show that among groups of people who consume one bottle of green tea daily over a period of three months, the average weight loss is higher than a control group of their peers who drank no green tea. Catechins are the key ingredient in the tea that is responsible for making green tea for weight loss work effectively. The catechins signal the body to burn calories, particularly those derived from fat. It also has an appetite suppressant quality to it.

ALERT: Weight Loss Scams - Stay Informed

Green Tea For Weight Loss Pills

Although several teas are made from the plant Camellia Sinensis, green tea is more effective at fighting fat than the other kinds of tea. For those who do not particularly like the taste of green tea, pills containing green tea are ideal. These pills offer similar benefits to drinking the green tea for weight loss and are widely available in health food stores.

The green tea for weight loss pills are taken one or two at a time with each of your daily meals. It is important to note that these pills do not affect your weight loss more than drinking the green tea. However, the green tea will stay in your system longer when you take it in a pill form rather than simply drink it.

But I Hate The Taste of Green Tea

So what if you dread the flavor of green tea and detest the thought of swallowing pills? There is still an option for you! Scientists have developed an innovative new green tea for weight loss patch. The weight loss aid comes in patch form, which you stick to your skin for a full twenty-four hours. If you have any sensitivity to adhesive materials, make sure you read the package labeling carefully before purchasing a green tea patch.

Although green tea for weight loss sound like a winning proposition, you should still consult your physician in advance of starting any new dietary or exercise regimen. He or she can counsel you as to which techniques are recommended in your case.
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Friday, July 10, 2009

Exercise - Lose Weight With 4 Minute Exercise WorkOuts

4 Minute WorkOuts?!? Yes! Exercise Can Be THAT Fast and Easy!

BREAK THE MYTHS of EXERCISE-lose weight with simple, fat-burning four-minute exercise routines.... that YOU create!

Exercise Does Not Have to Be Difficult and Drawn Out 

Many folks are under the false belief that exercise workouts designed to lose weight have to be long, complicated affairs. Sadly, many of those trying to lose weight sign up for complex exercise systems which lead to frustration....and quitting.

Did you know what exercises for weight loss can be easy and quick? Did you know that you can make your OWN exercise routine?

Did you know that your self-designed work out routine only has to last four minutes???

It's true! You can create your own, custom exercise routine - or as many routines as you want - to target those pesky areas that you want to tone, firm, and lose the fat. With your own four-minute routine, your chances of succeeding and really losing the fat have just quadrupled... or more!

Exercise? Lose Weight? Yeah, right! 

What's your biggest complaint with exercise routines that are designed for weight loss?


The Truth About Weight Loss Exercise Routines 

When you exercise to lose weight, you do NOT need: * Expensive equipment * A Gym membership * Long, drawn out routines * Boring workouts designed for the masses Most of all, you definitely don't need yet another reason to fail. Create your own four-minutes exercise routines... You CAN succeed with only four minutes... can't you?

The Simple Math of Four Minute Exercise for Weight Loss

Twenty-four hours in a day. 1,440 Minutes in a day. FOUR minutes for exercise. This leaves you 1,436 minutes everyday to enjoy life! Try it Now


Learn How at Read More!

Weight Loss Motivation Secrets

There Is More To Happiness Than A Lower Weight - Learn Now

Weight Loss Motivation - Learn About YOU and FINALLY Lose That Weight. Being overweight and out of shape often creates an inner problem that most people may not be aware of - a disconnection from their authentic self. We work on this very problem over at - and we help others tackle the issues that keep them from succeeding with their weight loss goals.

Sadly, people get so used to feeling badly about themselves that they shut down and tune out emotionally, directing all of their attention outward to other people while feeling like an empty shell inside.

Perhaps this has happened to you, too?

It's ok - you are NOT alone!

Is Weight Loss Your Key To Happiness?

It's important to understand that losing weight will not automatically make you feel more centered again. In fact, this is one big reason why people who lose large amounts of weight begin gaining it back almost immediately. They were so sure that being overweight was the reason they felt so unhappy; they didn't realize that they gained weight because they were unhappy. Once the weight was gone, they were more aware than ever that they felt hollow and empty inside - but now they didn't have the illusion of safety and comfort their excess flesh once provided. Instead they felt naked and vulnerable, and quickly began gaining weight to make themselves feel safer again.

Weight Loss Question...

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Thursday, July 9, 2009

Lose Weight Quickly With These Tips

Lose Weight Quickly With These Super Secret (And Super FUN) Tips

These are fun tips to lose weight quickly! Better you never thought of these weight loss tips!

We've got not only weight loss tips, but TONS of information to help you get the weight OFF. Just think, if you start today... what will you look like next month?

Honey, you'll be HOT!

Get to! You will love how complete the info is...and you will REALLY love the cool gizmos (like printable weight loss charts, shopping charts, and diet plans)!!

Free Weight Loss Calculator

How to Lose Weight Quickly With 3 Secrets That Cause Your Body to Throw Off Weight Fast!

Here's how to lose weight quickly with a few secrets that literally force your body to throw off fat from all your stubborn areas. It starts slow at first, but within a week your body should be throwing off weight consistently fast.

How to Lose Weight Quickly

1. Eat a big breakfast and make sure there's a lot of fiber and protein in it

The latest research keeps proving this over and over and over again. You must make breakfast your biggest meal to get not only short term weight loss, but also consistent long term weight loss.

The best way to fill up on a big breakfast is to have a lot of fiber and protein in it. For that, I suggest you eat some scrambled eggs with either 1 avocado or 1/2 can of black beans. Do this for 1 week straight and your body will be dropping weight faster than you thought was possible.

Make Weight Loss Childs Play

2. Spin like a child

If your diet is fine and you exercise a bunch, then your hormones may be the problem your having with losing weight. For that, spinning is the best way to stimulate your hormones to balance out. The reasoning goes way beyond this short article, but just try this. Spin around clockwise for 10 times and see what happens.

Does your body feel energized? Does your body respond STRONGLY to just 10 spins? This should be enough of a response from your body for you to at least consider spinning for weight loss. Once spinning balances your hormones, weight loss becomes almost effortless.

Go Nuts For Quick Weight Loss

Lose Weight Quickly With Coconut? Are You Nuts???

3. Eat extra virgin coconut oil twice a day

The healthy fats from coconut oil (has to be Extra Virgin or Cold Pressed) taken twice a day, 1 tablespoon each time, has helped hundreds of my clients lose a quick 5-6 pounds in less than 2 weeks. It doesn't work for everyone, but it does work for a clear majority of people. So give it a try.

Those 3 things combined are how to lose weight quickly without much effort at all.

If you're SICK and TIRED of getting the same old boring weight loss advice... you know, like "Eat more fruits and vegetables, drink 8 glasses of water, jog, and blah blah blah", then...

Click to get your FREE EBOOK "How SPINNING Around Like a Child TRIPLES your Weight Loss". A strange, but true, way to LOSE 10 pounds in 2 weeks. I'm giving away this report today and tomorrow ONLY to anyone who visits my website! So get it before tomorrow night. If you're truly serious about losing weight, then go to the link below to get your free report now. If you don't lose 10 pounds... I'd be QUITE surprised!

Article Source:

CONSUMER WARNING - Read BEFORE Buying An Online Diet Program

Diet ebooks and online weight loss systems are EVERYWHERE now. How in the world will you know if you are wasting your money or getting a really effective weight loss plan that will work for YOU?

Which weight loss programs are scams? Which are good? It is all so confusing.

To get solid reviews on some of the top online weight loss programs, visit this weight loss program review site. Tons of free info and complete reviews that will help you make the decision if a certain online program is right for you AND which ones to stay FAR away from!

Here's the site.

Happy dieting!

Sooo... How Much Weight DO You Need To Lose?

Want Five MORE Secrets To Lose Weight Quickly?

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Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Weight Loss Tips - 4 More Tips For Success

Want To Lose Weight But Can't Get Motivated?

Get Motivated To Lose Weight! Turn your negatives into POSITIVES! One negative aspect of many weight loss programs is that they focus heavily on the "negatives". Don't eat this, you can't have that, you must do this even if you don't want to, and so on.

While the actions themselves may be necessary, it is not always necessary to approach everything with such a serious and foreboding attitude. Doing so virtually guarantees that you won't enjoy the journey to your goal weight - you'll simply grit your teeth and bear it, knowing that there is a payoff somewhere down the road.

Make Your Weight Loss Journey A PLEASANT Journey

But weight loss doesn't have to be so dreary! Instead, you can make your weight loss journey much more pleasant - even uplifting - if you make a commitment to doing one thing each day: soaring your heart. What does that mean? It means doing things that make you feel wonderful. Don't dismiss the idea too quickly - it has been proven time and again that your state of mind in anything you do usually determines the quality of results you get. Go into something with a negative mind-set, get lackluster results. Go into it with a positive and optimistic attitude, get great results.

Why Is It So Hard For YOU To Lose Weight?

Weight Loss Help and Resources

How To Lose Weight, Forever!
Massive $20/$32 Payout. Natural Weight Loss Tactics To Lose Weight Forever And Never Gain It Back. I...
The New Charleston Program - Permanent Weight Control Solution.
An Easy-to-stay On Complete Weight-loss And Weight-Control System That Has Sold Over Half A Million...
How To Eat Well And Lose Weight.
How To Eat Well And Lose Weight Without Starving Yourself Or Giving Up Your Favourite Foods. The Hea...
Hcg Weight Loss Cure Guide: A Complete Guide To Dr. Simeons / Trudeau.
Take One More Risk On A Weight Loss Program... You Will Not Regret It! No Need To Buy The Weight Los...
New Weight Loss Beginners- Written By Top Sales Weight Loss Copywriter.
Weight Loss That Is So Easy That Anyone Can Do It! Expert Sales Letter Is Written By Top Sales Weigh...
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ALERT: Weight Loss Scams.... Beware!

Scammy And Cruddy Weight Loss Systems - Beware

Americans spend a lot of really good money on some really BAD weight loss programs. Do you know when to pull your wallet out for a good diet plan...and when to run for the hills?

Read on and find out which weight loss plans you will come across that are junk-ola.

Weight Loss Scams - The Fat Truth

Did you know that people in the USA spend an average of $177 dollars every single year on weight loss products?? No wonder there is so much crapola out there... folks BUY it!

Overweight people spend a considerable amount more than that, some noting that they spend $1000's every year on new diets!

Our goal is to help you to curb your spending habits, lose weight and spend your money on things that you enjoy in life. It does not have to be like this. You can lose weight for much cheaper... and the last thing a diet should be is a financial strain.

Like some of the bigger industries, dieting is full of companies that are in "it" for the wrong reasons. They would rather make money than truly help people out.

Because of this we are going to show you some diets to look out for and to avoid.

Expensive Pre-Package Food Diets? Scam?

Weight loss can be and should be affordable. Often times an actual diet plan and guide do cost money, but extra expense and fees outside of this should be kept to a minimum.

Sure there may be a small, one-time investment to lose weight. Really, there should be as you are doing something to positively impact your life and there really is no better way to spend your money than on products/services that improve your lifestyle and health.

However, some companies are just in it to make the big bucks. Some of these companies are household names... like Weight Watchers, Jenny Craig, and Nutrisystem. These are all companies that sell food diets.

Food diets usually require you to eat a percentage of your daily meals that are bought through the companies providing you your diet plans...not to mention, at outrageous prices.

These diets typically have a start-up fee of around $300 and then food expenses are minimum $70/week. That is over $580 for your first month alone!

These are also known as continuation programs. They are created to make the most money with the least amount of effort for these huge companies. They get you in the door on the premises that you forget about the continuation and keep on paying them even though you are not using or following through with the actual diet plan.

Always keep that in mind.

Hollywood Diets - Oh PLEASE... Not ANOTHER Hollywood Diet!

If you have read a magazine or watched TV lately, you have been exposed to one of the 100's of quick weight loss, Hollywood type diets.

"Lose 10lbs in a week"
"Lose 5 inches in 5 days"
"Look like your favorite star if you drink this formula"

All of these diets are quick, unhealthy and unsustainable weight loss program.

Sure you can lose weight quickly, but you could do the same by taking part in a 48-hour famine. Of course you will lose weight if you don't eat... this is not only horrible for your body, your brain needs food to function. Without food you are going to be very moody and unhappy!

A majority of the weight you lose from these diets comes back on the very first day that you start eating "normal" again. They give you a false sense of hope and are highly unhealthy and toxic to your body.

Here are some of the most ridiculous diets like this out there out there:

-Hollywood Diet (juice with vitamins!)
-Grapefruit Diet (eating grapefruits all day!)
-Cookie Diet (there is no such thing as healthy cookies!)
-Hot Dog Diet (are they out of their minds!)

We would like you to take these fad diets with a grain of salt and save your money. They are unhealthy and the results that they produce are temporary!

Magic Diet Pills - Hocus Pocus Watch Your Money Disappear!

A large number of Americans have resorted to weight loss pills to shed pounds. There are so many companies coming out with these pills that it is easy to lose track.

Many pills simply drain the necessary fluid content of your body making you feel thin. The unnecessary body fats are still there, so this really does not prove to be a proper solution.

Some other pills curb your hunger and your cravings will automatically disappear.

Is starving yourself really a solution?

Absolutely not!

Natural weight loss pills typically contain ingredients that are found within foods that you already eat. Many of them include caffeine as the main ingredient, an element that naturally curbs hunger, increases metabolism and energy... this is something that could be found in a simple cup of coffee however, not some expensive "weight loss miracle".

Pills are also very expensive. You are looking at $60 per month for pills and it is very easy to spend in the $100's on some of the more expensive ones.

Save your money people!

Secret Ab Equipment - Like Crunches Are A "Secret", Right?

The latest and greatest ab machine will help you lose 50lbs in 10 days. What a crock. You have ab rollers, ab jumpers, ab twisters and ab rockers! Having a low body fat to muscle ratio makes you look fit.

There are 100's of ab programs, spanning from ab aerobics, to machines that look like they could launch you to outer space. The problem is that sure, you can build your abdominal muscles with some of these machines, but build abs (which are a very small muscle), will not doing anything about the fat that covers up your abs.

Next time you hear "have amazing abs in 30 days", remember what you are reading here. Unless you have a healthy diet and eat the "right" foods and do the "right" exercise, you will not have the trim stomach you have always wanted.

The combination of healthy diet and a regular exercise routine to get in shape!

So, Are All Weight Loss Programs Scams?

No. Not ALL weight loss programs are scams. There are some good ones out there...and there are some great ones, too.

For example, is a place you go to... well, to reprogram your brain and thinking for real weight loss success.

There are MANY advantages over other diets and weight loss systems, the main one being that ANYONE can do it. After going through many new diets every year, this is one that really exceeds expectations.

You can personally create your very own diets using the Diet Creation tool. There are over 40,000 different two week diet combinations that you can create.

Within the first two weeks using the diet system provided to you, it is possible to lose up to 10lbs... a lot of that being PURE FAT!

It's not a super-speedy miracle, but the info WORKS.

You will find some of the most practical and easy-to-implement weight loss techniques that will not only lose you weight in the short term, they are sustainable for long term weight loss.

Remember, don't forget to try the Diet Creator which will generate a 14 day diet plan for you on the fly in an easy to print document (they even provide a shopping list for you!!).

We rank #1 in the weight loss industry...and we also toss in some gold stars for FINALLY giving those that need to lose weight all the complete tools and information they need to be SUCCESSFUL.

Officially NOT A SCAM.


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Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Quick and Easy Weight Loss Tips

How Many 'Quick and Easy' Diets Have YOU Been On?

Seriously, how many 'quick and easy weight loss' diets have YOU been on? Do they work? Let me tell you about a rapid weight loss program that DOES work.

A Real Weight Loss Story

This past weekend I got to catch up with a friend (Jack) whom I hadn't seen in several months. Like most people Jack hadn't really changed in appearance since the last time we saw each other (around the 1st of the year). Jack and I talked for a while about stuff (Mario Kart for the Nintendo Wii, the increasing price of corn, how summer TV is really bad, you know the usual) then as many of my conversations seem to go Jack started asking me about nutrition and fat loss.

Basically Jack was pretty frustrated. He said that he had been dieting for "as long as I can remember" but somehow he still had 15lbs to lose. Some further interrogation (okay I wasn't interrogating my friend) Jack 'fessed up that while he was a lifetime dieter his compliance to his fat loss diet was pretty bad.

"..he felt like he had been dieting forever..and not getting ANYWHERE!"

The Quick And Easy Weight Loss Cycle - Is This You?

This resulted in something that I find with a lot of people. Because Jack was supposed to be "dieting" he would never feel like he could enjoy non-clean foods or foods in normal/larger quantities, so he'd feel guilty when he ate them, get discouraged, fall off the wagon, wait until Monday, and start dieting again.

This cycle would repeat week after week, month after month. The end result was Jack wasn't losing the weight he wanted and he was burnt out and discouraged because he felt like he had been dieting forever and not getting anywhere.

"four simple tips to end the cycle for a lifetime dieter...."

The Real Way To Rapid Weight Loss

The best cure for the lifetime dieter that I have found is an all out blitz. Jack has been getting lost in 12 week fat loss programs, so shorter (and more extreme) program is better for him. I told Jack about Warp Speed Fat Loss and explained that there were a couple rules he needed to follow if he was going to do the program.

1. No Cheating - He needed to stick to the diet 100%

2. No Skipping Workouts - There are only 24 workouts so he has to do everyone

3. Completed Focused Effort - No training for a marathon, spinning classes 3x a week, etc. All his efforts needed to be focused on losing as much weight as fast as possible.

4. He Had To Let People Know - Tell people about what he was doing would put the pressure on Jack to really make the 28 days fat loss sprint work. 28 days isn't that long and if he told friends and coworkers they were sure to check in with him to see how he did (plus most people would assume that losing 15lbs in 3-4 weeks isn't possible so they would be intrigued enough to find out what happened).

He agreed that rapid weight loss was what he needed to end his lifetime of dieting, he agreed to my 4 stipulations, and he started Warp Speed Fat Loss on Monday.

Weight Loss Calculator

How Much Weight CAN You Lose?

You, Too, Can STOP Being a 'LifeTime Dieter'

If you are tired of 12 week diets and just want to get the weight off and get it over with then check out the complete rapid weight loss system I put together with expert trainer Alwyn Cosgrove.

But you need to agree to the above 4 rules too.

The time to end a lifetime of dieting is now and you deserve to be in the best shape of your life.

"Exact steps to lose 8 pounds in the first week? 21 pounds in the first 28 DAYS? Really?"

What IS This Warp Speed Weight Loss Thing?

First off, Warp Speed Fat Loss is a very cool concept. The idea that you have in your hands the exact step by step rapid weight loss blueprint that can help you lose 8lbs in the first week and up to 21lbs in just 28 days is very exciting.

Warp Speed Fat Loss is broken up into two main parts - diet and training. The good thing is you can be a complete idiot in both areas and still lose a boatload of weight since everything is laid out for you.

The Warp Speed Fat Loss program has already given hundreds of people results were nothing short of phenomenal. If you are looking for a brain dead simple guaranteed way to lose weight fast then definitely check out Warp Speed Fat Loss.

The site is right here. Read More!

Monday, July 6, 2009

Weight Loss Motivation Tips - Distraction

Want To Lose Weight? Stop Thinking About It!

Lose weight with distraction techniques... they work! One of the most powerful tools you have at your disposal while improving your health habits is distraction.

Have you ever gotten distracted accidentally? Like when you're working on a project and suddenly a random thought pops into your head and you can't stop thinking about it? Or when you have trouble focusing because there is a lot of noise and activity going on around you?

While these are more negative descriptions of distraction, you can also use this same process to stay committed to your weight loss goals.

Learn more great ways to reprogram yourself for successful weight loss at:

How To Use Distraction To Help You Lose Weight

Here's how to start: the next time you find yourself feeling tempted to abandon your healthy eating and fitness plan, immediately do something to take your mind off it. For example, if your co-worker brings in a box of donuts and your mouth starts watering, take a trip to the rest room and make a mental list of improvements you'd like to make to your home. Or compose a love letter to your spouse. Think about anything except the donuts - in fact, refuse to acknowledge them at all. Every time your focus does begin to wander in their direction, immediately and firmly pull it back to something else again.

Stop THINKING About Losing Weight - Distract Yourself!

Let Your Thoughts Motivate You To Lose Weight

This sounds overly simple, doesn't it? But the beauty of it lies in its very simplicity. You see, it's usually your own thoughts that get you into trouble. The more you focus on something you want but keep telling yourself you can't have it, the more you're going to want it. Your mind gets stuck on having this thing because you fantasize about all the benefits you'll receive from having it. You start imagining how good it will taste, how eating it will make you feel full and satisfied, and so on. But those are just stories your tell yourself so you can have what you want.

Losing Weight Without Thinking About It

By refusing to think about it, you don't set yourself up for "needing". In fact, understand that it's completely natural to want things. All day long we are beseiged by wants, but they are transitory. They come and go. It is only your emotional ATTACHMENT to these wants that turns them into NEEDS. If you simply refuse to get emotionally involved with something that doesn't serve you, you'll find that it's actually quite easy to turn your focus away from it and put it on something else. In other words, distract yourself. This definitely takes practice but it's incredibly powerful when you give it your full effort. Try it and see for yourself.

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