Sunday, June 28, 2009

Diet AFTER Weight Loss Surgery - What Can You Eat?

What Can You Eat After Weight Loss Surgery?

Watching your diet after weight loss surgery is vital to ensuring your continued good health. It's about more than just recovering and quickly losing weight, though. Because of the major changes in your digestive track, you'll need to make major changes in your diet, too. If you're wondering what to eat after weight loss surgery, here are some guidelines.

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Diet After Weight Loss Surgery - Early Recovery Period

Recovery period following weight loss surgery
For the first three months after your weight loss surgery, diet will be restricted to liquids and soft foods.

Phase I:
You'll start out for the first few days on a liquid diet consisting of liquid protein supplements, clear broth, juice, and possibly milk. After this, for the next three or four weeks, you'll eating be pureed foods like applesauce, refried beans and pureed carrots and potatoes. This also means any medication you need will have to be crushed to a power. Frequency is also important. At first, you'll need to eat 6 times a day, whether hungry or not.

Phase II:
After about six weeks, you can progress to soft foods like cooked vegetables, finely ground meats, soft fruits, and scrambled eggs. This diet lasts for around eight weeks, then you gradually add firmer foods depending on what your dietician recommends.

Phase III
In the last period of your recovery, you'll be able to try regular foods to test your reaction to them. For the first three months, however, no caffeine or carbonated beverages are allowed for because they can cause gas and bloating. Keep in mind that there are some foods not recommended for those who've had weight loss surgery and you're better off avoiding these altogether.

Weight Loss Surgery Diet Video


Diet After Weight Loss Surgery - Problem Foods

After weight loss surgery, diet can never be the same as before. The main change is that you'll need to stick to smaller portions of around 1 to 1 ? cups of food (about the size of a tennis ball)
with each meal.

There are some foods that should never be included in a diet after weight loss surgery. Some of the bad ones are sugary and fried or greasy foods. These can cause "dumping," meaning undigested food is dumped straight into the small intestine, which leads to nausea and sweats.

Other problematic foods are certain breads and pasts, tough meats, high fiber vegetables, fruit skins and dried fruit, nuts, seeds and coconut, popcorn. Common spices like pepper and cinnamon also give some people trouble.

Thinking About Weight Loss Surgery?

It's a BIG Decision.. Make The Right One For YOU!

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Supplements For Your Diet After Weight Loss Surgery

Following weight loss surgery, your digestive track is no longer able to absorb needed nutrients from food. This means you'll need to take chewable or liquid vitamin and mineral supplements for the rest of your life. Usually, you'll need a multivitamin plus a calcium-vitamin D combo, vitamin B-12, and, if you're a menstruating woman, iron

Importance Of Your Post Surgery Diet

While the necessary diet after weight loss surgery is rigid and restrictive, it's vital that you follow the eating plan your dietician sets out for you. Not doing so could seriously damage your health, not to mention leave you feeling miserable. Stay on the proper diet after weight loss surgery, though, and you'll see the pounds drop and your health improve.

The Weight Loss Surgery Decision

It's a BIG Decision.. Make The Right One For YOU!

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