Monday, July 6, 2009

Weight Loss Motivation Tips - Distraction

Want To Lose Weight? Stop Thinking About It!

Lose weight with distraction techniques... they work! One of the most powerful tools you have at your disposal while improving your health habits is distraction.

Have you ever gotten distracted accidentally? Like when you're working on a project and suddenly a random thought pops into your head and you can't stop thinking about it? Or when you have trouble focusing because there is a lot of noise and activity going on around you?

While these are more negative descriptions of distraction, you can also use this same process to stay committed to your weight loss goals.

Learn more great ways to reprogram yourself for successful weight loss at:

How To Use Distraction To Help You Lose Weight

Here's how to start: the next time you find yourself feeling tempted to abandon your healthy eating and fitness plan, immediately do something to take your mind off it. For example, if your co-worker brings in a box of donuts and your mouth starts watering, take a trip to the rest room and make a mental list of improvements you'd like to make to your home. Or compose a love letter to your spouse. Think about anything except the donuts - in fact, refuse to acknowledge them at all. Every time your focus does begin to wander in their direction, immediately and firmly pull it back to something else again.

Stop THINKING About Losing Weight - Distract Yourself!

Let Your Thoughts Motivate You To Lose Weight

This sounds overly simple, doesn't it? But the beauty of it lies in its very simplicity. You see, it's usually your own thoughts that get you into trouble. The more you focus on something you want but keep telling yourself you can't have it, the more you're going to want it. Your mind gets stuck on having this thing because you fantasize about all the benefits you'll receive from having it. You start imagining how good it will taste, how eating it will make you feel full and satisfied, and so on. But those are just stories your tell yourself so you can have what you want.

Losing Weight Without Thinking About It

By refusing to think about it, you don't set yourself up for "needing". In fact, understand that it's completely natural to want things. All day long we are beseiged by wants, but they are transitory. They come and go. It is only your emotional ATTACHMENT to these wants that turns them into NEEDS. If you simply refuse to get emotionally involved with something that doesn't serve you, you'll find that it's actually quite easy to turn your focus away from it and put it on something else. In other words, distract yourself. This definitely takes practice but it's incredibly powerful when you give it your full effort. Try it and see for yourself.

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