Sunday, July 5, 2009

Cardio Exercise and Weight Loss - Work It!

Cardio Exercise, Weight Loss, And YOU

Let's talk about cardio exercise and weight loss. Usually when an individual decides that they want to become more physically means to lose weight. This is most common because 65% of Americans are overweight or obese. This literally means that about 2 out of 3 people are affected; that 2 out of 3 Americans are unhealthy. Decreasing body fat percentage rather than weight will not only make you look and feel better, but it will also make you healthier.

Try this next time you are in a public place. Look to you left and to your right, and then look at yourself. Do over 60% of the people around you look physically inactive, overweight, or obese? Now look at yourself.

Are you included in this number? is the only program that will truly take you and anyone that wants to participate out of this 65% overweight category and into the 35% healthy category! You can read all about this program at

Cardiovascular Exercise And Weight Loss

Cardiovascular training is a great resource for decreasing body fat percentage. When combined with the correct diet, it can also lower cholesterol, improve cardiac response, and increase blood flow. The benefits of cardiovascular training are endless, but depending on your goals, there are certain things that you must keep in mind.

When doing cardio for body fat loss, be sure to maintain your Target Heart Rate. Your Target Heart Rate is basically a range of two numbers that the hearts beats per minute (bpm) should be in between. Here is how you can find out how to find your THR:

First thing in the morning, while still in bed, calculate your heart rate (HR).
Subtract your age in years from 220 to get you standard maximal HR.
Subtract the your morning HR from your standard maximal HR.
Multiply the result of step 3 by 0.60.
Multiply the result of step 3 by 0.70.
Add your morning HR to the result of step 4.
Add your morning HR to the result of step 5.
Your target HR training zone is between the two results of steps 6 and 7.

THR is important because it puts the body in its favorite fat-burning zone. If you go above these numbers, you begin to break down protein and amino acids, the building blocks of muscle. So it is possible to do cardio without losing muscle, and actually decrease your body fat percentage.

Resistance Training to Decrease Body Fat Percentage

While it is very important to do cardio, it is also very important to participate in resistance training. When you do cardio for the purpose of losing Body Fat (BF), you are basically reducing the amount of fat between the muscle and the skin. Individuals who are very lean have a small amount of fat blocking muscle.

Resistance training while also doing cardiovascular training is essential. When done correctly, you will begin to cut into that layer of fat between the skin and the muscle. Resistance training will then increase the size and strength of that muscle, pushing it toward the surface, creating an extra lean look. is about lifestyle change, so remember, the best exercises are the ones that you will actually do. All of the knowledge in the world will not help you out if you refuse your common sense, and the best gym membership, the most expensive machines will not do a thing if you never use them. Find the exercises that you like the best and do them. Do them often, and do them well. Some of the best: walking, swimming, and yoga.

Weight Loss Calculator

Are You In Weight Loss "Hell"??

Are You Living Through Diet "Hell"...Really, What Does it Take to Finally Achieve the Weight Loss Goals That You Have Always Wanted?

When you think of weight loss and losing weight, the first things that probably come to your mind are either those "lose weight overnight!!" articles that are in every magazine and newspaper in the world that never work and are written by some personal training idiot that has no idea what they're talking about...

Or maybe you're thinking of all of those weight loss pills that claim to be safe and allow you to "eat whatever you want and still lose weight because the pill will do all of the work for you" or whatever ridiculous line they are using to get you to buy their useless unsafe weight loss product.

Or, how about eating negative calorie foods like celery and water all day!

Well, if you are thinking any of those things, forget it! Forget all of it!

It's time for you to visit Reprogram For Weight Loss


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